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WRU Dynamic Training Program, a personalized training plan providing a structured program to follow each and every day.
Anatomy of a Perfect Workout:
Properly fueled.
Well hydrated and electrolytes (Magnesi
um Potassium, and Sodium) replaced. -
Properly rested.nd energy for the upcoming workout. Protein repairs and rebuilds the microscopic tears in the muscles from the current workout.
Complete a thorough dynamic movement warm-up. The first 10 minutes of every workout should be at an easy to moderate effort to allow your cardiovascular system and muscles to acclimate to the rigors of the workout.
◽ Focus on establishing a rhythm of efficiency with your form and breathing.
◽ Complete a thorough post workout cool-down.
◽ Walk for 5+ minutes to allow your heart rate to gradually return to normal.
◽ Stretch and foam roll your hips, glutes, and legs thoroughly.
◽ Refuel and hydrated within the first 30 minutes of every workout as your muscles are more receptive to storing nutrients and being repaired during the narrow window.
Chocolate milk and chocolate almond milk are the perfect ration (4:1) of carbohydrates and protein. Carbohydrates are stored in the muscles as glycogen a
Morning Resting Heart Rate
Regularly monitoring your morning resting heart rate establishes a baseline for determining how well rested or how stressed your body is and dictates the volume and intensity of the upcoming workout. You will establish an average MRHR (morning resting heart rate) after 7-10 days. This will serve as your baseline. A morning resting heart rate 3+ beats per minute higher than your average is considered elevated and requires special attention.
An elevated heart rate can be caused by working out at a high intensity in previous workouts, insufficient sleep, dehydration, poor nutrition, excessive caffeine or alcohol consumption, and stress.
If you have an elevated heart rate you should do the following:
Reduce the volume and intensity of your current workout.
Focus on eating well, staying hydrated, replacing your electrolytes, reducing stress, and getting sufficient sleep. This is an ideal opportunity to introduce other activities that engage other muscle groups (disrupting your normal movement patterns) and improve your functional movement.
The Impact of Running
Studies have shown that running places 3-4 times your body weight of force on your legs with every foot strike. For a 150lb. runner that would be 450-600lbs. of force with every step. If that runner averaged 10 minute per mile pace and maintained an average cadence of 170 SPM (steps per minute) that would be 1700 steps per mile or between 765,000-1,020,000lbs. of force per mile, multiplied by the number of miles. This repetitive impact is why more than 50% of runners experience some form of injury annually.
Injuries can be minimized and prevented by the following:
Practicing proper running form.
Chin up.
Shoulders relaxed, back, and down.
Hands soft (imagine holding fluttering butterflies) and held close to the torso and without crossing the center line.
Hips relaxed with minimal rotation.
Land with a slight bend in the knees.
Land quickly and quietly with your feet close to your body or center of gravity.